Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am thirsty, and I think the whole world deserves to know.  They deserve to know also, why I feel thirsty, and why they feel thirst. I have also decided not to drink anything until I have published this post. So why are people thirsty? Well on a first grade logic level, it can be deduced that we get thirsty because if we didn't get thirsty, then we would all dry up and die. Our bodies need water to carry on its everyday functions, this I knew previously, but I decided to do some research to find out more.
                Your hypothalamus is a part of your brain that, among other things, regulates the amount of water in your blood. When your hypothalamus detects that you bloodstream has too much water, and too little blood (waterlogged) then it tells the pituitary gland to produce less ADH, the hormone that causes more water to be reabsorbed by the kidney. [1] In case you are wondering, reabsorption is the process by wich the kidney reabsorbs water that it would have lost to urine, so with less ADH comes less water in your blood. [2] When your hypothalamus detects that the blood is lacking water however, it orders the production of more ADH, conserving your precious remaining water (through reabsorption). [1]
                When your body is lacking water, producing ADH is not enough to save you. Your body needs you to drink some water (or of course ingest some from your food). In order to get you to drink, your body needs to cause a craving and a pain if water is not gained.           Your central nervous system (specifically your brain) is where thirst is felt. Your brain becomes aware of your lack of water, and sends your conscious mind the feeling of "If I don't drink water now I will dry up and die!" It is this feeling that truly motivates us to get water, and that really keeps us alive. [3] Man, I'm thirsty!

Coloring page thirsty 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Shining

So who's ready for yet another movie review? I recently saw an older film, "The Shining". This movie is definitely a classic. But with a classic comes good and bad things. The goods are of course that you are guaranteed a well made movie with good quality. It has obviously been great if it has stood out for so many years. "The Shining" was originally made in the 70's, so the fact that people still talk about the movie speaks highly of it. The down sides of course are that it was a little, or more accurately very, outdated. The movie was a horror movie, but I was rarely scared at all, and never really frightened. Most of the scenes were overly familiar to me, as I had seen multiple spoofs in my lifetime. I couldn't take the movie seriously because most of the aspects of horror movies that are taken for granted today were just starting out in this movie. I'm not arguing that it was a bad movie, it's just that it hasn't aged that well. Throughout time the scenes had all been given away, and the production, even down to the style, were all too "70's". The style of the time was to be almost as random as possible. Things happened that were supposed to be scary, but instead were either expected, not convincing, not scary, or even ridiculous. I'm sure "The Shining" was a great movie in its time but sadly I must say that it's time is up. It will forever be seen as a classic but it simply can't work its magic the way it used to.